Saturday, May 10, 2008


I haven't posted for a long time. Why? Because my workplace now blocks "personal websites" with its filter, and my own home computer has kicked the bucket. Well, I think it has. It makes a loud wooshing noise and refuses to perform the simplest tasks. After all, it is a 2003 Dell with virtually no RAM, so I'm grateful it had held out so long.

Now, I'm stealing a few minutes on my roommate's computer before beginning an online book discussion with a group of teenage girls on Jane Eyre. I am excited to begin and to see how the chat medium affects and shapes our conversation. I've never discussed books online before, and I haven't been thirteen for awhile, either, though I remember that time of life very keenly, in the pit of my stomach.


Lauren said...

Ain't it the truth, though? 13 is a pit in the stomach because at 12 the pit was lodged in the throat.

How did the online discussion go? I think the Bronte sisters would be all over Internet discussions if they were around now.

las said...


The book discussion went really, really well. Here are some excerpts from our conversation:

c: "I didn't care for St. John. He was too solemn for my taste."

E: "At times, towards the middle, I wanted to feed this book to my dog. I just got sick of [Jane] describing nature; I wanted to know what happened next."
(A valid reason to read, I think ... curiosity!)

J: "I could also could relate to her in that there was alot of depth going on in her that people couldn't always see....struggles and dreams...
i think we don't realize that alot of the ppl that we meet on a daily basis have alot of deep things going on inside them...
we don't take the time to discover what those things"

Oh, to be 13 again, or to be as wise as these 13-year-olds. Much more mature than I was at that age. Why was 12 lodged in the throat?